Restore Nature Now March


Penny Dixie

Restore Nature Now March

Park Lane, London, Park Lane, London, W1K
The natural world is in trouble and politicians need to take action. Join The Wildlife Trusts, alongside thousands of others, on the streets of London and call on ALL political parties to take action for nature's recovery.

Event details


10am - 4pm
A static map of Restore Nature Now March

About the event

Restore Nature Now is a mass event taking place on Saturday 22 June from 12 noon in central London, with the aim of demonstrating clear public support for action on nature and climate before the general election. It will bring together supporters of many big environmental NGOs including The Wildlife Trusts, Friends of the Earth, National Trust, RSPB, Woodland Trust, Wildlife and Countryside Link, WWF, and more.

The march begins at Park Lane and will end at Parliament Square with a rally with speakers and entertainment from 2:15pm.

Take along your noise-makers, wildlife costumes, placards and banners and make this a march for nature to remember.

Pledge to march

Extinction Rebellion are organising coaches from locations across the UK including Lincoln, Nottingham and Newark. There may be places available. Please check their website for details: Extinction Rebellion travel