Fir Hill Quarry

Fir Hill

Barrie Wilkinson

Holly blue butterfly on marjoram

Rachel Scopes

Fir Hill Quarry

Barrie Wilkinson

Fir Hill Quarry

Fir Hill Quarry is a small chalk pit.


West side of Muckton Road between Little Cawthorpe and Muckton
Nearest postcode LN11 8FS

OS Map Reference

TF 362 828
A static map of Fir Hill Quarry

Know before you go

1 hectare

Parking information

Limited roadside parking

Walking trails

Please do not climb the scree slopes of loose chalk


Uneven, grassy terrain surrounded by steep slopes, may not be suitable for wheelchair users


No dogs permitted

Assistance dogs only

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

The reserve is on the line of the old marine cliff that formed the eastern edge of the chalk before the Ice Ages. There is a fine view over the Marsh to the sea from the road. The road is an extension of Barton Street, a prehistoric trackway that follows the edge of the chalk Wolds from the Humber to the Wash.

The chalk pit has been quarried at two levels. The upper level is wooded with ash and wych elm, although most of the latter has succumbed to Dutch elm disease. The lower level has grassy banks, with salad burnet, marjoram, wild basil, pyramidal orchid, common spotted-orchid and other chalk plants. Like most flowery chalk pits it is a haven for most of the common butterflies.

Management consists largely of scrub control and mowing.

Nearest postcode LN11 8FS. Please note - postcodes are for the nearest registered address as we are unable to get postcodes for nature reserves.

Location information

Fir Hill Quarry location PDF



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