Lost Words for Lincolnshire

Lost Words

Jackie Morris

Lost Words for Lincolnshire

Thank you for your donations!

Thanks to your generosity, we managed to go over our target and raised £5,522! 

We'll be able to supply a copy of The Lost Words to all primary, junior and special schools in Lincolnshire. They'll be delivered very soon so keep an eye on this page for updates.

Congratulations to all those who won a reward for their pledge to the campaign!

What are The Lost Words?

Lost Words

© Jackie Morris

The Lost Words, named as one of Britain’s favourite pieces of nature writing, was created to celebrate and revive once-common 'natural' words – from acorn and wren, to conker and dandelion – excised from the Oxford Junior Dictionary. With acrostic spell poems designed to be read aloud and hand-painted illustration, the book captures the irreplaceable magic of language and nature for all ages.

We need your help to raise £5,000 to provide a copy of The Lost Words to every primary, junior and special school in Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North-East Lincolnshire. To accompany this beautiful book, we will also provide a copy of The Explorer's Guide to The Lost Words. 

A pamphlet created by The John Muir Trust, is a great teaching aid that ties in with the National Curriculum.

The Lost Words message is closely aligned with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s mission to inspire interest in the natural world and encourage children to make nature part of their everyday life.

We are Lost Word protectors and we didn’t even know it!... Be part of the story –

the ending of which will be wild words tripping off tongues like

laughter and joy.

Dara McAnulty

Video from BBC News


Harry Whinney - Organiser of Lost Words for Lincolnshire
Email: hello@lostwordsforlincolnshire.co.uk
Web: www.lostwordsforlincolnshire.co.uk

Rachel Shaw - Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
Email: RShaw@lincstrust.co.uk
Tel: 01507 528390
