2023 Marine Interns Blog Week 10: A 75th Anniversary Festival & a Presentation Course

2023 Marine Interns Blog Week 10: A 75th Anniversary Festival & a Presentation Course

Wilder Humber display at Wilder Lincs festival - Les Binns

Following our brilliant weekend beach cleaning, this week we attended Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust’s big 75th anniversary festival and learnt how to present effectively (aka how to prevent any yawns from the audience) with Laughology.

To start the week off, Sian and I had the pleasure of travelling down to The Crown Estate’s office in London to attend a Presentation Skills course, hosted by Laughology. The enthusiastic, bubbly presenter Sarah Creegan led the session, which focused on how to present effectively – keeping your audience engaged at all times, adding rememberability and building confidence in yourself.

So, what did I take from this course?

  1. Be aware of your facial expressions, body language, voice and pitch, and the types of words you use – tweaking these can enhance engagement and confidence
  2. The importance of humour! Your audience wants to relate to you and engage emotionally
  3. Feel confident – a confident mindset can create a confident outlook (even if you don’t feel it inside!)
  4. Few slides and words are best – storytelling is the key to presenting!

A big thank you to Sarah for a fun and useful session on presenting. Towards the end of our internship, we will have to present our projects to an audience of people we’ve worked with over the 6 months. The day will be filled with presentations, so engaging with our audience is incredibly important! No yawns are wanted.

Wilder Lincolnshire Festival

To celebrate 75 years of Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (LWT) a festival took place over the weekend (23rd–24th September) to bring local people together and to show some of the great work the Trust has done over this time. Visitors could learn how together we can help to create a wilder future. There was a main ‘Wilder Lincs’ marquee showcasing the work from nature organisations around Lincolnshire through multiple stands. This ranged from The Bee Collective and Andrew's Hedgehog Hospital to Anglian Water and the County Council.

Jasmine at Wilder Lincs
Signs at Wilder Lincs

Before visitors began to arrive, we helped write the direction signs for the activities and locations. A few are shown on the left!

Over the two days, Sian and I helped represent the Wilder Humber stand – a 5-year programme to restore the habitats and biodiversity of the Humber. If you have a spare few minutes and would like to read more, here’s a link to their page:  


It was brilliant to see so many people willing to learn more about the project, and for some they’ve learnt more about what’s on their doorstep and how LWT are contributing to this.

Wilder Humber Stand with Aiden, Corrinne & Sian pictured

Wilder Humber Stand with Aiden, Corrinne & Sian pictured

Next week, Jasmine is going to an offshore wind event with Natural England, so keep an eye out for some very cool up-close pictures of wind turbines off the Brighton coast…
