My Wild Life - #NationalMarineWeek

My Wild Life - #NationalMarineWeek

Eleanor Stone

Coast and The Wash Warden, Dave Miller, tells us his best marine wildlife experience for National Marine Week.

Probably my most memorable moment was 10 March 2012. Whilst running a Shoresearch event at Seacroft Marsh a young boy came to me and said they had found something in the sea. I went down to investigate and was quite perturbed to see a harbour porpoise stranded in the surf.

I turned it round and started to carry it back out to sea. It was amazing being so close to one of these creatures and watching the blowhole work as the animal breathed. Walking it out to sea took a while as it was low tide and when I got to just above waist height the porpoise flicked its tail and swam off.

Running sea-dipping events along our coast always provides endless new discoveries from compass jellyfish to opossum shrimps, little squid to peacock worms; and my favourite sea-dipping creature - the sea gooseberry.

Sea gooseberry

Sea gooseberry © Dave Miller