Snipe Dales Open Day

Snipe Dales Open Day

The annual Snipe Dales Open Day was held in late May.

This year’s Snipe Dales Open Day coincided with the newly launched Lincolnshire Wolds Outdoor Festival, so attracted higher than usual numbers of visitors, and from a wider area. Nearly 50 youngsters (and adults!) enjoyed Den Building and Stream Dipping (no-one fell in, but signal crayfish were discovered), and then a smaller group were led on a guided walk around the Nature Reserve by Warden James Forrester, who told them about the management of the site and the need to balance the requirements of the wildlife and public access. 

Tea and cakes were provided by Spilsby Area Group, who were also selling Trust goods and plants, which raised nearly £265 to support the work of the Trust.  An additional attraction for this year was provided by Mark from Lincoln Owl Rescue with a barn owl, tawny owl and a spectacular eagle owl, all of which were very approachable. Despite the overcast and chilly weather, a good day was had by all, and the delights of Snipe Dales were revealed to a wider audience.